Keith Sanders the Storyman Podcast

THE ONIONS DAY IN COURT (Re write) Chapter 19 in It's a Rum Life Book Three, tales from New Bolingbroke

Richard Keith Sanders

A few months passed and we received a strange phone call from those farmers and produce merchants we had carted the onions for, they were in a big way of business, located to the north east of Boston and about ten miles out of town.

They wanted to know if we were prepared to do them a favour by making a statement that we had never been paid for the delivery we made for them.

In explanation, they said that the onions had been of poor quality and they were disputing payment.

Onions are quite expensive when you are talking about 10 tons and the total was several hundreds of pounds, even in 1974.

We had been paid a fair rate for the delivery we made. We mentioned all this tarry diddle to Albert and he was sure their had been nothing wrong with the onions themselves. Albert could be relied on regarding anything to do with farming.

When we replied saying we could not possibly do what they asked, as it was untrue, they became very heated and difficult, offering various threats of one sort and another. 

As this was the one and only job we had ever be asked to do for them, and we did not work for any of their so called “friends”, we felt that their threats could do us no harm.

Besides, the main issue was being honest, open and fair. Our reputation and work ethics were at stake!

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