Keith Sanders the Storyman Podcast

CHRISTMAS CAN BE A SAD TIME TOO... Reflections on Christmas 1991.

Richard Keith Sanders

One of our first losses around Christmas was our very first Shire Horse Ebony.
He retired from Young and Cos Brewery in 1988 and came back to live with us in Lincolnshire.

He helped us with the opening of the Northcote Heavy Horse Centre, in fact, he was the star during those first few years.

You see he had already been a television personality during his time at Youngs Brewery.

Blue Peter the famous BBC television programme for Children had him in their studio. He was also a favourite of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and took part in her Huge Celebration on Horse Guards Parade.

He was also the principal character in a children’s picture storybook published by A and A Black called “Shire Horse”.

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