Keith Sanders the Storyman Podcast

"SPIKE TOOK US TO SEA IN A BATHTUB WITH WHEELS." A story from the Lincolnshire Coast in 1958

Richard Keith Sanders

 We were going into all this. Perhaps it was good that these machines had wheels, that would help when we touched the sand way out at sea.
 You will have to imagine that you are taking a journey into rough offshore seas with breaking waves, in a steel motorised bathtub with wheels.

 I do not remember anything of lifejackets or the like. If we did have them in the 1950s they would have been those dreadful double-sided cork contraptions that you would see issued to the unfortunate passengers on the Titanic!

 There was no evidence of ships boats from the Frigate being ready for use, or “the Captain’s pinnace” available to whisk the Mayor of Skegness over for a visit.

 You see, at Skegness, it was just the open beach and nothing else. If the Mayor was to visit, then the Captain’s pinnace would have to run ashore up the beach and then be pushed off again at the mercy of the surf pounding the beach! You should be so lucky! 

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