Keith Sanders the Storyman Podcast

A VERY UNUSUAL OPTHALMOLOGIST. Its a Rum Life In France, 2021.

Richard Keith Sanders

 Back to that interview with my lady surgeon who happened to say, “well the only little problem you might have with the new lenses is that your extreme peripheral vision might be affected when driving in the dark.”

 “Oh that’s ok then, I replied. “I do not normally drive after dark and anyway the last time was for my last check up with Dr,…. my Opthalmologist last week when I got home at 1.30am in the morning.”

 “I.30am,” she exploded. “ Did I hear correctly, are you sure.”

 “Oh yes,” I continued. “ My appointment was for 10.30 pm oh and it was Saturday evening. 

 When I arrived, there were 5 folk in front of me, which is normal. Then as you know that final examination before the operations is quite lengthy.  I had to wait a bit before driving because of the drops in my eyes. I suppose it could have been nearer to 2am when I arrived home.”

 My surgeon was most surprised to say the least and completely dumbfounded. 

 In fact she nearly fell off her stool!

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